1. 我如何在网上支付学费?
- 请登录您的
- 点击“学期账单”链接
查看或支付我的账单 通道
- 滚动到页面底部并单击
(这将带您到我们的支付网关) - 进入支付网关后,单击
- 付款计划 options are available online for the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters
2. 为什么要收我外地学费?
学费是根据学生的居住情况收取的. If you live in 威尼斯人注册 or 坎伯兰 counties, you are eligible for in-county tuition rates. If you live in any other NJ county, you are eligible for out-of-county rates. 所有其他居民都有资格获得县外学费.
3. 如果我搬家,我的学费会有变化吗?
所有地址变更必须与学生档案办公室联系. Address changes made before the 10th day of the semester will take effect immediately. Address changes made after the 10th day of the semester will take effect for the following semester. 费率仍然基于居住(见问题2).)
4. 我有资格获得县外退款吗?
5. 你们有付款计划吗?
6. 为什么我的账户被冻结了?
学生账户被搁置的原因有很多. 商务办公室最常见的持有是过期余额. This hold will prevent registration activity as well as the release of grades and transcripts. 一旦过期的余额全部付清, 学生可以联系商务办公室,要求取消该hold.
Another common Business Office hold is a restriction hold that could prevent online payment options, 登记付款计划, 等. 的se holds are typically not removed once they are placed on an account for cause.
7. 我如何将RCSJ成绩单寄到另一所学校?
Current and previous students can request to have their RCSJ official transcript sent to another college, 组织, 或者对他们自己.
While the campus is closed, requests for transcripts must be submitted remotely. 的
成绩单申请表可以在我们的网站上找到 ,然后以电邮((电子邮件保护))或传真(856-464-1483). 的 Business Office will charge your account and send you online payment instructions. You must pay for the transcript(s) online through your student portal account before processing occurs and your account must be free from Business Office holds (see question 6.)
We are not able to process expedited requests while the campus is closed due to the pandemic.
8. 我交了成绩单,但还没有收到. 发送了吗??
(电子邮件保护) or 856-415-2233 as that is the office responsible for printing and sending out transcripts.
9. 我可以退课退款吗?
Students receive 100% credit for courses dropped before the first day of the semester and during the first week of full-term courses only, 0%之后.
速成课程(14周, 10周, 7周, 5周, and 3 weeks) may also receive 100% credit for courses dropped on the first Monday – Wednesday of the specific accelerated term.
One-week courses may receive 100% credit if dropped on the first Monday of the specific accelerated term.
Refunds are limited to per-credit tuition and fee charges and course material fees and are assuming that payment was made in full. If payment was not made in full, a balance may still be owed to the College.
10. 我什么时候能收到助学金退款支票?
Eligible financial aid related refunds are processed and mailed out within 14 days of an award posting to a student’s account. BEFORE calling the Business Office a student should take the following steps:
Check their Term Bill found online through their portal account to see if financial aid awards have been disbursed yet.
如果助学金仍在备忘录或授权中, 请与财政援助办公室联系
(电子邮件保护) 或者856-415-2210询问付款情况.
- Check their address in the system to make sure it is up to date and correct
- 付款后等待14天,寻找他们的定期账单退款
- Wait 14 days after a refund shows on the Term Bill for a check to come in the mail
If a student has followed all of these steps and still has not received a refund check in the mail, 请致电商务办公室856-415-2226或
11. 为什么我不能在学期账单上看到我的经济援助?
(电子邮件保护) or 856-415-2210. Students can also see the status of their financial aid online through the portal.
13. 我可以在哪里取得我的1098T税务资料?
12. 什么是首日账费? 为什么我要付这笔钱?
从2020年春季学期开始, 学院与Barnes & Noble公司合作实施了一项新计划,名为 第一天. Select courses and sections allow students online access to course materials on the first day of class. This 第一天 book charge is assessed at the time of registration for applicable courses/sections.
14. 我如何获得图书代金券?
Students with eligible financial aid awards that exceed their semester Term Bill may be eligible to receive a book voucher. Vouchers are sent to the College store electronically beginning one week before the semester begins. 的 amount of a book voucher depends on the number of credits a student is registered for and the amount of financial aid pending. Vouchers typically expire one month after the semester begins and are reconciled to the students’ accounts before any eligible financial aid refund is calculated. 学院不寄送冬季学期的图书券.
从2020年春季学期开始, 学院与Barnes & Noble公司合作实施了一项新计划,名为
第一天. Select courses and sections include the course materials (such as textbooks) in the cost of the course. 并不是每个课程都使用这个. 的 第一天 book charge is assessed at the time of registration for applicable courses/sections.